Upper Back Pain Between Shoulder Blades Relief

Upper Back Pain Between Shoulder Blades Relief

Upper Back Pain is the back pain that runs along the upper portion of your spine. This is the same area as the neck, but the nerves are running under your chest and on to your shoulders. This pain can be quite severe and last for weeks or even months at a time. Treating the back with an exercise program to correct the muscle imbalances between the back and neck can relieve this pain.

The first thing to do when you have upper back pain is to relax your shoulders. Lifting your shoulders too high can result in a pulled or strained muscle, which will lead to pain and loss of movement. If the back pain is caused from lifting heavy objects, try lowering the object by one foot until the pain stops. Repeat this exercise between shoulder blades and repeat in slow circular movements until the back pain is relieved.

Upper back pain exercises involve twisting your upper body and lifting your knees up towards your chest. You should keep your back straight and don’t bend your elbows. You can do slow and continuous exercises, or alternate between slow and quick movements. A slow, steady movement will help prevent injury and will allow the affected muscles to relax.

Slouching can result in pain between shoulder blades. An exercise to correct slouching is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands flat against the floor. Make sure your forearms are on the floor also. Now, lower yourself slowly into a sitting position. Repeat this exercise between shoulder blades several times to stretch the back.

Another exercise to correct upper back discomfort is to lay flat on your stomach with your knees up against your chest. Slowly bring yourself up to the forearms. Now roll your upper back as far back as you comfortably can, then lower yourself back down and repeat.

Of course, it’s not always easy to find relief from pain in the back. If you have chronic pain and can’t seem to get any relief, you may want to consider working with a physical therapist. Physical therapists are well trained to work with people of all fitness levels and muscle groups. They can provide a variety of exercises to relieve pain in the back.

If upper back pain between shoulder blades relief is only temporary, you may want to try a stretching exercise. This exercise will increase flexibility and mobility in your muscles and joints. Stretching can help loosen the muscles around your spine. However, before you perform an exercise, make sure you are well-trained or that someone has told you how to properly do the exercise.

Upper back pain between shoulder blades can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have mild to moderate pain, you can try some of these treatments to bring you some pain relief. Of course, you shouldn’t just depend on these treatments to solve your problem. Instead, work with a qualified physician or chiropractor to make sure you’re treating the cause of your pain, and not just the symptoms.

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