5 Relief Tips for Back Pain During Pregnancy

5 Relief Tips for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is nothing new under the sun, but it needs to be given effort, as it can really get to your head and can cause further problems such as sleep deprivation and posture issues, which can also hinder the growth of the fetus.

There are many reasons for back pain in pregnancy – the fact that the center of gravity of your body is changing, you’re gaining weight, and the hormonal changes are causing your pelvis ligaments to loosen. Your uterus, otherwise accommodated near the pelvic girdle, is making its way up, more towards the abdomen, and putting your lower back through a lot because of this.

The good news is that no matter how inevitable it sounds, some remedies can help with back pain during pregnancy. Let’s have a look –

  1. Prenatal Yoga

Movement-based strengthening programs have an inbuilt pain relief stratagem. Prenatal yoga can help rectify your posture and help with the pain in your muscles, joints, and of course, back. It also helps to stimulate lower body muscle, which helps you prepare for easy delivery.

  1. Acupuncture and Physical Therapy

Both of these techniques make use of specific pressure points on your body, which, when correctly massaged, will help with relief in back pain. These pressure points to associate with different senses of emotional and physical wellbeing and smoothen the flow of energy in your body. Physical therapy also tells you how to sit, stand, lie and bend during pregnancy in a healthy way.

  1. Meditation and Deep Breathing

Meditation induces the biological relaxation response, and it’s very important to release any kind of mental strain during pregnancy, as they can be leading causes for back and headaches. To meditate, you can lie down silently and practice deep breathing or work according to a guided program.

  1. Maternity Belts

Use them in activities that involve a lot of bending and lifting, but don’t depend on them too much. You don’t want to get used to their support only to have to retrain your body after delivery. Remember not to tie too tight.

  1. Chiropractic Care

Joint manipulation and soft tissue work under chiropractic therapy have been scientifically proven to help treat back pain in pregnancy.

  1. Sleeping posture

A definite yes, the position you sleep-in matters a lot more when you are expecting. And certainly more in the 2nd half of the pregnancy, after 20 weeks. A woman’s body is never busier than it is during pregnancy, and thus a good sleep is a must to relax the tenuous muscle of the back which tends to be taking extra pressure during the times.  Use sleeping pillows that add to the comfort and helps to correct the posture so that your back muscles relax.

These techniques will help,but remember that back pain during pregnancy could also be a symptom of preterm labor or a UTI, so make sure to visit your gynecologist if the pain is chronic.

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