Why correct tongue resting position is important

Why correct tongue resting position is important

Why correct tongue resting position is so important? It’s really quite simple to answer. The tongue rests on the back of the throat and along the gums, and if there is any pressure applied to that area, it will cause your breath to get stopped, your voice to change, you may begin to snore and so on. The best way to ensure that this doesn’t happen is to ensure that your tongue (which is very tiny) is resting in the right position. There are several ways in which you can achieve this and they can all be done at home.

Perhaps the easiest way in which you can ensure that the tongue does rest in the correct position is by using your index finger and thumb, pulling slightly towards the inside of the mouth. This causes the tongue to move into a higher position at the base of the tongue, which ensures that there is no unwanted pressure being applied to the throat or elsewhere. When the tongue moves back towards the throat it pushes up against the lower jaw and this pushes your airway open, preventing snoring. The whole thing is very easy to do and you may find that you already do this without even realising it.

Another common way of ensuring that the tongue is resting in the right place is to use a mirror. If you have your mouth open widely, say while you are reading a book, then the tongue may slide out of the mouth. When you look into a mirror you will see that there is not much space there because the mouth is closed, but if you look closely, you will see that there is some wiggle room, and that means there is still some space for the tongue to rest in. Pulling the mirror back slightly will also allow the tongue to move back into the correct position.

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