Finger chips recipe

Finger chips recipe

Finger Chips is a very popular snack food that can be made at home or eaten in a restaurant. This particular snack dish has been a part of American and South American cuisine since the early nineteen hundreds of decades. The name was derived from the habit of the people to chip away at small pieces of food and place them on their fingers to savor the taste. A more modern version of finger chips is a corn chip treat that is served either warm or cold. In order to create the most delicious chip, follow the following recipe to make it fresh and hot.

Using canned chips will save you time and will allow you to experiment with various flavors without having to make a full batch of chips that will have to sit for several hours to process before they are ready to eat. When you make this kind of homemade snack, it is best to use lower fat ingredients because the high fat options may end up making the chips soggy if they are stored in the refrigerator for an extended period of time. When using lower fat options, you will find that the chips will not only taste better, but you will also be able to keep them longer without them being constantly exposed to high temperatures.

For a nice, thick crunch, mix together three quarters of a chip mixture and one-quarter of a cup of low fat cream cheese. Once you have combined the mixture, spoon the mixture into clean ramekins and pop into the oven at 350 degrees. Remove from the oven once cooked, allow chips to cool and enjoy. The great thing about this recipe is that the cream cheese will not curdle in the sauce, allowing you to use the chips in any way that you like, such as dipping them into marinara or barbecue sauce for a nice smoky flavor.

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