Appropriate Shoes for Standing

Tips to Find the Appropriate Shoes for Standing All Day

Some jobs require from you to stand all day long, and that could be unhealthy if you wear inappropriate shoes that will reduce the pressure on your feet and back. We all know that sitting is unhealthy especially because there are more people nowadays that sit all day long due to job requirements.

However, it turns out that standing all day long is not healthy too. If you work an active job, standing can increase stress on the circulatory system and create varicose veins that will cause other, more severe effects.

That is the main reason why you should find comfort and the best shoes for standing all day. It is challenging to determine which type of shoes is perfect for people that stand a lot. That is the main reason why we decided to present you with this guide on how to find appropriate shoes for standing:

How Shoes Affect Our Bodies?

Choosing shoes that will protect your body against standing pressure is important, but first, you have to understand how they affect and affect your body. Have in mind that shoes that do not fit well will have a negative impact on your overall health.

According to professional podiatrists, shoes with poor grip, high heels, and inappropriate fastening can lead to impaired walking, falls and balance, and constriction can create pins and needs as well as temporary numbness.

If you find incorrect footwear, short-term issues could easily become chronic especially if you are pursuing activities such as standing all day long, which could lead to consequent emotional, physical and mental problems.

Long-term effects of having inappropriate shoes will cause joint pain, collapsed arches, knee issues, and back pain. To learn more on historical background on footwear, you should click here.

Supportive Shoes Are Vital

The debate is going on whether you should choose minimalist or supportive shoes. The idea is to understand which one of them will provide you with better comfort. Supportive shoes are similar to any other you see every single day, but they feature arch support that will manage your weight with ease.

On the other hand, minimalistic shoes are designed so that your foot could stay closest to the ground as possible. Most of them feature little cushioning, thin soles and they are lightweight. Some people state that minimalistic shoes are a much better choice because that way we are mimicking the way our ancestors walked, similarly as barefoot.

However, our ancestors did not have hard surfaces such as asphalt and concrete, which means that these materials are affecting the pressure we make on our back and feet during the walking, standing or running.

Even though there are advantages for each type of shoes, we can agree that everything is an individual choice and based on your comfort. However, if you decide to choose minimalistic shoes, you will have to prepare yourself, so do it gradually. The main reason for that is that your body will need time to adapt.

Shoe Size Is Important

According to some statistics, 80% of people choose the wrong size shoes, and it is estimated that this is the main reason for feet issues. If you choose too tight shoes, that is the perfect setting for corns, and it can cause foot pain and increase its effects by providing joint problems.

On the other hand, if you choose too loose shoes, that will cause your feet to slide, which will lead to blisters? If one foot is more substantial than other is, you should not be concerned, because that is normal, and you should find a way to buy shoe size that will customize your both feet.

If you do not know how to measure your feet, we recommend you to check this link:

What about Heel?

It is okay for your stature and stability to purchase shoes that feature some incline and heel, but it is essential to avoid high heels because they can cause tight calf muscles and knee issues as well. You are prone to chances that your foot rotates, which will cause damage to your knees, feet, and ankles.

The best measure is to find a quarter of an inch heel, and the idea is to lift your feet off the ground so that you can distribute weight gradually. You also have to make sure that you find appropriate soles that will support you during a long shift.

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